Beginners are introduced to basic karate-do training using a traditional learning approach. The initial goal is to develop physical fitness, body co-ordination, self-confidence, discipline and self defence skills.

Beginners are also introduced to traditional basic karate-do kata principles. A kata is a series of controlled movements of martial defence and offence against one or more imaginary opponents. The student begins to develop form, timing, basic body dynamics, body bio-mechanics and interpretation / visualization skills of the kata.

As the beginner progresses the focus becomes to enhance and fine-tune the previous skills and principles learned. The student will learn to make his/ her movement with conviction and have a more in depth understanding of the "Bunkai" (visualization of movement). At least one traditional kata will be introduced and learned within the first 6 months.

HOW to get started:

  1. Determine if you are interested in the martial arts and perhaps set some personal goals

  2. Phone for an appointment

  3. Observe a class

  4. Brief interview with the head instructor to discuss interest in the program. This will help establish personal goals and areas of focus

  5. Participate in a free class

  6. Fill out a membership application (requiring guardian signature if under 18 years of age)

  7. Purchase a karate uniform. (The instructor will provide you with information regarding where to purchase a uniform for the lowest cost and proper fit)

  8. Read the Student Manual. A student manual is available to each new student. The manual contains information that is essential in the martial arts learning process. The information in the student manual will be covered in part by the instructor during class time.