We teach a system that has been passed down through generations of martial arts experts from the original Shaolin Temple in China, Okinawa, Japan and now to North America.

Black belt in Karate

The roots of our academy are centuries old, and consist of an eclectic mixture of martial art disciplines in both the internal and external forms. The core system we study is a style called Shorinji Ryu Karate-do (open hand form of Chinese, Okinawan, and Japanese origin). Other disciplines in the system include:

  • Daito-Ryu Aki-Jujitsu, which is the predecessor to modern Aikido and Judo, and was designed to be a combative system.

  • Kobujutsu, which is the study of ancient weapons, mainly of Okinawan and Japanese origin. Included in the study of Kobujutsu are seven disciplines of authentic weaponry.

Internal forms comprise a significant component in the course of study at the Shaolin-Tzu Martial Arts Academy.

  • Da Jia Tai - Chi Chuan is taught and practiced regularly, again in the traditional manner where the martial (or combative) aspect is emphasized first before the artistic aspect.

  • Chi Kung and Bagua Zhang are taught as well, contributing to the development of one’s “chi” (internal energy).

Some weapons that we train in Kobudo

All teaching and study is conducted in a traditional manner and adheres to the original “Budo” philosophy and methodology of teaching in the “old ways”.

Comprehensive martial self defence, history, philosophy, martial science and meditation are all studied within the curriculum. What makes the Academy unique is that the program is structured to cover an entire martial arts system and not just a sliver of the system or a single style. At the Academy, students study the philosophical, strategic, laws and scientific aspects of the martial arts. Students are not taught to train just to be technicians in movements alone. In this manner, the martial art becomes more applicable and less reliant on style to situational self defence and promotes a better sense of mind and body awareness.

Shu Ha Ri is a Japanese concept that describes the stages of learning and mastery traditional martial arts.

When one studies with the Shaolin-Tzu Martial Arts Academy, one will find the teaching environment is of uncompromising tradition.

The Academy has a wealth of martial arts knowledge and experience to offer with over 80 traditional kata/ forms. There is comprehensive study of kata principles, and an emphasis on diligent kata training.

Applied and situational self-defence principles, including strategic and tactical combat, are also taught through the study of kata.